As a mediator, Jason works with people every day to solve complex problems by focusing on mutual interests and finding common ground.

As a legislator, Jason will lead with integrity and balance, and prioritize collaboration over political games in addressing the most important issues.

Vote for jason barber for house districT 43

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About Jason

Jason is excited to be running as the Democratic candidate for Utah House District 43. As a professional mediator, Jason works with people every day to solve complex problems, by focusing on mutual interests, identifying shared meaning, and finding common ground.

Too often, leaders from both parties prioritize party loyalty over the needs of the community — engaging in divisive identity politics rather than providing sensible leadership. Jason has the skills, experience, and temperament we need to break this cycle.

As a Legislator, Jason will lead with balance and integrity, and prioritize collaboration over political games in addressing the issues that matter most to the people of District 43 and of Utah.


  • Jason is passionate about the importance of preparing children, from birth to kindergarten, for their future educational journeys.

    While nothing compares to parental care for children from birth to kindergarten, Jason recognizes that parents who want or need early childhood care should have access to high-quality, licensed programs, that utilize developmentally appropriate practices in a variety of settings, including: residential-based care, private for-profit and non-profit centers, and Utah's public school system. This combination of options honors parental choice and ensures that every child has access to innovative, high quality, and forward looking resources.

    To achieve this vision, Jason believes we should utilize existing federal funding to provide private programs with the support they require, and allocate state funds to attract well-trained early childhood educators and create specialized early childhood programs within Utah’s public school system.

    Jason understands that early childhood education is crucial as it sets the foundation for lifelong success. He is committed to sponsoring and supporting legislation that maintains a fair and balanced approach. His aim is to uphold these values and ensure that every child receives the educational foundation they truly deserve.

  • Like many Americans, Jason’s journey as a homeowner has had its share of highs and lows, shaping his perspective and dedication to community service.

    In 2003, Jason’s family pursued the American dream of owning a home. However, they were unprepared for the economic changes that followed. The 2008 housing crisis hit them hard, with an unexpected lay-off and their adjustable-rate home loan almost doubling in cost. They faced the fear of losing their home multiple times, but through perseverance, managed to save it. This experience showed Jason the devastating impact housing instability can have on families and communities.

    The current situation of high land prices, record home values, higher interest rates, and low housing inventory is making homeownership more difficult, and the increasing cost of rent is causing too many Utahns to downsize, or make sudden and unnecessary housing decisions that disrupt family, work, and community. This crisis requires a collaborative approach that transcends partisan divides.

    As your legislator, Jason will sponsor and support balanced legislation, considering concerns from both sides of the aisle, to tackle this issue effectively. Jason’s approach to affordable housing centers around three pillars:

    1. Responsible and Affordable Lending: Jason will advocate for fair and responsible mortgage lending practices that serve the common interests of both homeowners and lenders.

    2. Expanding Housing Inventory: Jason support’s initiatives that incentivize the construction of affordable housing units, exploring public-private partnerships and maximizing existing resources to increase affordable options.

    3. Protecting Renters' Rights: Jason will fight for tenant protections against predatory practices, unfair evictions, and unreasonable rent increases, ensuring housing security for all residents.

    Together, we can find innovative solutions while preserving our community's values. Let's work collaboratively to ensure that everyone in District 43, and throughout the State has access to safe and affordable housing.

  • Jason firmly believes that by managing our infrastructure development intelligently, we can achieve sustainable progress while preserving Utah's natural environment, protecting the Great Salt Lake, ensuring clean air quality, and safeguarding our valuable natural resources.

    1. Promoting Responsible Growth: I am committed to encouraging population growth and facilitating the development of new local and international businesses. By creating a favorable environment for entrepreneurship, we can stimulate economic growth and provide employment opportunities for our residents. However, growth must be managed responsibly and with careful consideration for its impact on our community and natural surroundings.

    2. Supporting Minority Population Growth and Diverse-Owned Businesses: Recognizing the importance of diversity, I am dedicated to promoting minority population growth and supporting diverse-owned businesses. By ensuring equal opportunities for all members of our community, we can foster a thriving and inclusive economy that benefits everyone.

    3. Boosting Tourism and Sports Expansion: Tourism has always played a crucial role in Utah’s economy, and I intend to support initiatives that promote Utah one of the world’s premier tourist destinations. By marketing our state's unique attractions and natural wonders, we can attract visitors while simultaneously safeguarding our environment. Additionally, I will champion efforts to bring major league sports franchises to our state, which will stimulate economic growth and provide entertainment options for residents.

    4. Expanding Mass Transit Options: To address the challenges of transportation and reduce traffic congestion, it is imperative we expand our mass transit options. I will work with local, state, and regional organizations to advocate for the development of efficient and accessible public transportation systems. By providing alternative modes of inter-state and in-state transportation, we can alleviate the strain on roads, reduce emissions, and improve air quality.

    5. Engaging Stakeholders and Experts: I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and will actively engage with residents, business owners, developers, and experts to make informed and balanced decisions. By listening to the needs and concerns of our community, I will propose legislative measures that prioritize our shared values and promote the overall well-being of our district.

    Jason is committed to act in the best interest of our community and advocate for intelligent and balanced legislation. Together, we can achieve a prosperous future while preserving what makes Utah truly remarkable.

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